Seabreeze Greens - Lot 24-26,34-35,58 Details
Property Description
There are 6 of these lots.
These lots are all ideally situated close to the upcoming grocery store and restaurants. Also located in Seabreeze Greens is a clubhouse, whether you’re hosting a family event, relaxing with friends, or enjoying the vibrant community atmosphere, the Seabreeze clubhouse will be the go-to spot for socializing and fun. It’s designed to be a central hub for residents to come together, relax, and make memories.
These lots are nestled in the trees providing shade and the sounds of the island birds.
But there’s more to Seabreeze Greens than just beautiful homes. The community is thoughtfully designed to offer everything you need for everyday living. There will be residential homes, condos, and commercial spaces all within easy reach. Whether you want to shop, dine, or unwind, you’ll find it just steps away.
For those who love the outdoors, a peaceful walking path winds through the community, offering a great way to take in the natural surroundings. And if boating is your passion, marina access with available boat slips makes it easy to get out on the water and enjoy the crystal-clear Caribbean Sea.
With pre-sell pricing, these 0.15-acre lots offer a fantastic opportunity to invest in one of Roatan’s most sought-after developments. Whether you’re looking for a place to call home or a solid investment, Seabreeze Greens is the perfect choice for modern island living.
Find more listings at www.RoatanCaribbeanLiving.com or www.ScottMillerRoatan.com.
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Seabreeze Greens
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Positioned right along the tranquil shores of Roatan, Seabreeze Greens is an incredible investment opportunity for those seeking luxury, serenity, and a slice of tropical paradise.